A Comparative Evaluation Of Vistascan And Ultrasound Imaging In The Diagnosis Of Periapical Lesions Of Endodontic Origin €“ An In Vivo Study

Academic Editor : Dr.Chenju Merin Jose , Dr. Geeta.I.B , Dr. Seetha Pramila V.V .

Year Volume Issue Page


Aims and objectives: To carry out an in vivo comparative study to evaluate the potential of Vistascan and Ultrasound imaging technique with color Doppler to diagnose the periapical lesions of endodontic origin.

Methods: Ten patients diagnosed with periapical lesions using conventional radiographic findings were selected and consented for the study. They were subjected to vistascan and ultrasound imaging with Color Doppler. The reports of radiologist and echographist was compared and evaluated and a provisional diagnosis was made as to whether the lesion is cyst or granuloma. Endodontic surgery was performed including curettage of the apical tissues to enable histopathological investigation, which provided the gold standard diagnosis……

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