Status Of Water Fluoridation- An Update From The Asian Countries

Academic Editor : Dr.Fawaz Pullishery , Dr. Ganesh Shenoy Panchmal , Dr. Sabin Siddique , Dr.Shanavas Palliyal.

Year Volume Issue Page


Fluoridation of public supplies has been responsible for dramatically improving the oral health of public. The use of optimum levels of fluoride in water is the most cost-effective and the only realistic way of reducing the burden of dental caries. The primary mechanism by which fluoride prevents dental caries is by enhancing the remineralization of incipient “white spot” lesions. By bathing teeth throughout the day with fluoridated water, drinks, and foods, the demineralization of teeth by acids is lessened and remineralization is increased. Many countries of Asia do not have the convenience of a central water supply to which a measured quantity of fluoride can be added in amounts required for optimal effects in reducing caries and preserving teeth. Some of the Asian countries have implemented the fluoridation of water supply and others have either stopped it or never undertaken such actions.

Key words : Water fluoridation, Asia, Dental caries

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